Move better, achieve your goals!
Yoga, mobility, strength and Hiit blended classes for people who love sports and living an active, feel-good life!
Access only £7.50 per month so you can afford to blend it with your life!

Blended classes for strong,
happy bodies and minds.
Balancing the best approaches, our classes are designed to help you move better.
We add challenge to all the classes, so not matter how long you have, you’ve worked!
Life is far too short to have anything other than a lighthearted approach to fitness.
“If you love that feeling of deep burn or a shimmer of sweat on your skin, well you’re exactly like me.”
‘If you’re active. If you love to run or cycle. If you want to stay injury free, or support an injury. If you love that feeling of deep burn or a shimmer of sweat on your skin, well you’re exactly like me. And I teach movement classes based on what I love and what I do to stay fit, injury free and keep my body and mind healthy.
I’ve been there with yoga injuries, through over-doing it in running without doing enough strengthening, so even though my classes are strong, they are a safe haven where good things happen!
No fads, no over-doing it, just movement that feels goooooood.’
Helena Byles – Senior Yoga Teacher, Barre and HIIT instructor and ultra runner.

Affordable + on demand
Enjoy a growing catalogue of classes targeted at helping you move better that you can fit into your life easily.
We have priced our membership to be so affordable that even if you can only squeeze one or two classes into your life, it is still totally worth it!
What students are saying…

“Today’s session was great. I was smiling to myself afterwards because a couple of years ago I’d have run a mile from that type of class, or even if I’d managed to get there I’d have given up half way through. I can feel myself getting stronger through the practices we’ve been doing. Thank you.”
– Alison

“I can’t tell you how much you have helped me over the years to pull through my personal challenges that life throws up. Even tho you prob didn’t have a clue. My life is so much richer with you in it.”
– John

“Just wanted to say, I really love your classes. I am already able to stretch to the point where I couldn’t before! I love it, it’s so good! You are great, I was praising you to my other half today so thought I’ll share it with you too”
– Asta