Run Prep, Run Stretch
This is a class that is perfect pre-run prep and post run stretch, or a brill workout in itself! 45 mins
This is a class that is perfect pre-run prep and post run stretch, or a brill workout in itself! 45 mins
The name gives it away, a cardio based class to work on your heart health. 45mins / no equipment
Strengthen and awaken your spine in different directions, play around with an arm balance if you want. 45mins / block
Feel energised from this full body class. Plenty of burn for your core, shoulders, hips and legs. 45 / blocks
Stretchy legs and hips with plenty of mobility. 45 mins / maybe a block
Bodyweight workout blending strength and cardio! Even perfect for holiday. 45 mins
18 minutes of yoga flow, but with added energy to get you buzzing for day. Move over caffeine!
Short but sweet, 22 minutes of focus on our spine and releasing the day!
Short but might class to release your hips. You need a strap and just 24 minutes!
Strong stable shoulders with this bodyweight class (options for light weights) and without a million press ups! 45 mins
Mobilising and stretching inner and outer hip flow. An energetic but nicely stretchy class. 45 mins / a strap
Starting with mobility, and then into building a full body flow sequence of varying challenging asanas.