Friday flowy

Core, legs, shoulders…all get a look in when building towards feeling strong in crow pose. 45min /block

Ladder Flow

A ladder flow builds a sequence through the class. This sequence is particularly great for legs/hips. 45mins / strap and block

Block Party #2

Intervals of strength and cardio, all making use of our trusty yoga block. 44mins / a block

Progressive Plank HIIT YOGA

An intelligent class that slowly builds to strong plank based exercises which you will be ready for!
45mins / no equipment

Dynamic Fluid Core

this class is about our core in all and many directions. It will feel A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. 45mins/block

Hiit+Yoga |90 second intervals

Longer intervals of 90secs continual work created by 3 exercises for 30secs – work that endurance! 45mins / weights optional

The Deep Hip Activation

Hip mobility work for the undertrained internal rotator muscles and lots of warrior 3 strength. 45min / no equipment

Flow to half camel pose

Hip flexor stretching, spine lengthening and activating movements towards half camel. 45 mins/ block + pillow

Complete Legs Conditioning

A lower impact / energy class, but one that covers all the main movements and muscle groups of your upper legs and hips. 45min /block

Hamstrings in 30

A 30 minute release of your back line, hamstrings, calves & back for post walk, run, cycle, sit. I’ve kept it stretchy & low energy.