Flowy corey flow
An all rounder class; core control and half moon poses!
48 minutes / Block
An all rounder class; core control and half moon poses!
48 minutes / Block
Rib mobility, twists, sidebends, towards better binds.
49 minutes / No props
Flowing from your core with no hands down movements to rest your wrists!
50 minutes / no props!
Mobility + movement in ribs. Heart pumping repetitions followed by rest
43 minutes / no props
Hamstrings, core, shoulders and the chance for a headstand if you want!
53 Minutes / 2 blocks
Focus on deep hip rotators + outer hips, including some pelvic massage
48 minutes / rolled up thick towel
Get strong, delicious shoulders. Mobility, strength and stretch.
48 minutes / blocks
Strengthening rehab for all knees, even injured ones!
41 minutes / A block, strap, blanket.
Build strength in your shoulders and core to headstand when you’re ready!
47 minutes / block + strap
Shoulder + core strength so you can plank strong in all directions.
50 minutes / block or heavy book
Yes the legs get some loving – in a healthy active way with lots of core!
48 minutes / blocks + blanket
Exercise + stretches at your desk. Do as much or as little as you need.
43 minutes / chair