Focused leg flexibility

A lower energy class, going deep into stretching our inner thighs and hamstrings. 45 mins / 2 blocks

Core Tabata burn

4 min rounds that will hit your core in all the ways. You will feel strong and empowered after this class. 44 mins

Eight Point Pose

nd inner thigh strength and lots of hip flexibility to help you move towards the arm balance 8 Point Pose. 49 mins / 2 blocks

Balance Flow into Friday

Get strong, connected and flowy with this class that will challenge your balance on one leg. 45 mins

Deep stretchy flow

If you need to really stretch your quads and hamstrings this class gets progressively deeper, safely. 45mins / blocks

Mini core work with slider

Slide for killer core strength! In just 20 minutes you’ll feel your core on fire AND stretch it out. 20 mins

Mini shoulder burner

A short but sweet bodyweight shoulder (and core) workout for when you haven’t got much time!