Deepening pigeon

Slowly taking you deeper into the pigeon pose shape. For deep hip stretching. 47min / 2 blocks

Quads for wheel

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Root to Rise

We shift the awareness of movement to contact with the ground for activation & lengthening so we don’t slouch. 45mins

Love your back

A flow with lots of mobility and activation for your spine, especially good after a day at the desk! 49mins

Therapeutic Pigeon

Therapeutic in its mobility and deep stretch focus, this class flows around various pigeon type movements and spine activation. 2 blocks / 52 mins

Hip Revival

Mobility& stretch for your legs. Lots of balancing on one leg,so a great foundation for walkers and runners. 50mins

Towards L Sit

Develop the hamstring flexibility and core strength towards an L-Sit. 45mins / 2 blocks

Side plank flow

Strengthening core, shoulders & outer hips towards a side plank and half moon circular flow. 45mins

Circular Pigeon Flow

Ease into your hips and legs with this circular pigeon flow. 45mins / a ball or pillow

Flexible Hips

Awaken, mobilise and active deep stretching for your legs. Healthy flexibility.45mins / blanket/ pillow

Build better balance

A flow entirely dedicated to challenging and improving your balance. 47mins / no equipment