Knee strengthening yoga

Slow controlled strengthening of all the muscles that support the knee. No kneeling means it’s perfect for anyone with knee issues. 46 mins

Thoracic Mobility Flow

Help your spine feel amazing. Sit, walk, run taller and support better breathing and shoulder mobility. 46minutes / no props

Core flow to kick through

Core with straight legs, hip mobility and hamstring flexibility to improve kicking your leg under. 47mins / 2 blocks.

Cardio and Calm Flow

Balancing a high energy flow, with plenty of restful stretching at the end so you find the sweet spot! 46mins / no props.

Luscious Shoulders Flow

A flow that mobilises + strengthens your shoulders, stretches the chest + back muscles. 45 minutes / a block.

Psoas Strength

Build strength in your hip flexors which get weak from sitting.
45minutes / block, wall, blanket