Hiit + Yoga – with a physio band
Leg strengthening with a band and block for extra spice!
43 minutes / physio or booty band.
Leg strengthening with a band and block for extra spice!
43 minutes / physio or booty band.
1 round of strength, 3 rounds of cardio.
45 minutes / No props
Squats, lunges, press ups, burpees. YES to the classics!
45 Minutes / No props
A challenging chair workout (don’t be fooled, we’re not sitting!)
49 minutes / chair + pillow or blanket
The core we do in yoga turned into a heart pumping interval class!
50 minutes / block
Challenge your core in ALL the movements possible and get sweaty!
44 minutes / no props
Get your heart rate up with this power flow!
49 minutes / blocks
Shoulder mobility, hip flexibility for headstand or just for your health!
50 minutes / 2 blocks, strap
You get a lot from this class, blending all movement types to feel amazing!
50 minutes / block
Strengthen deep hip and core muscles by sliding on the floor.
18 minutes / slider (rags, thick socks)
Give your ankles the attention they need to support the rest of your body
48 minutes / blocks + blanket
A balance of the strength of plank and the flow of yoga.
52 minutes / No props