Runners: which yoga actually benefits you?

I wanted to write this blog after a runner said he and his running friends got more injuries when they did yoga! As a runner and a yoga teacher there was no way I was going to let that comment pass without clarification. So my reaction was ‘dude, you are doing the wrong yoga with…

You can’t hide from stress…

I remember when a friend (mid way through my first severe back pain episode when I was freaking out that I must have damaged something really badly), told me that my pain was all in my head. I was not impressed. 2 years on, a number of intense pain episodes and an MRI scan later…

Why I’m talking about personal branding to tackle stress

Thinking about your ‘personal brand’ is not just for self employed! Sorry. And yes I realise that most of you are cringing at this point. But bare with me. If you are clear on who you are and your values, decision making does become easier; you know what you say yes or NO to; it…

What the hell does a balanced life look like?

What the hell does a balanced life look like? It’s a tough question, because it looks different for each of us. And it is kinda complicated. My recent example of this is my very special relationship with chocolate. Anyone who has spent time with me (even a couple of hours) will agree that I am…

Why an injury was the best thing to happen to me

‘Ladies who here has had that moment where they’ve felt like a fraud and that they should chuck it all in?’  [All the hands in the room went up.] It seems that many of us working somewhere in the ‘helping people’ sector have, at some point, had our own shit fall apart and consequently we…

Teaching vs Empowering

Tim used to come to We Are Wellness classes every day. Yep, he was (and still is) rather a household name. Then one day he stopped coming to classes. Everyone started asking where’s Tim, why isn’t he coming to classes? I might have missed Tim in class (although I still hang out with him and…

How to make work work for you! 

It’s a Saturday and I’m sat in a cafe with my laptop. Whilst I am one of only 3 people working whilst around me people are busy shopping, drinking, and glitter covered festival goers are queuing for the last toilet opportunity, I’m not in anyway wishing I wasn’t working. This is my freedom. I have…